Nicolas Brewery

Brewery Nicolaas is a micro brewery based in the municipality of Goirle. Together, 11 friends have taken the initiative to start a micro-brewery, in which we explicitly want to make the connection with Goirle's history and propagate a regional character. We were born and raised in Goirlen. We all have a passion for beer (in one way or another) and based on that passion we wanted to start our own micro-brewery. One of the 11, Dirk Brands, has been a hobby home brewer for many years. He is currently in the final stages of training to become a master brewer in Hasselt, Belgium. For the group of friends, the ideal time to step in and make the move from hobby brewing on an individual level, to a micro brewery set up with shared commitment and division of labour.

The Brewery's name refers directly to Goirle's history. We found out from the municipal archives that a brewery was established in Goirle in 1764 by Nicolaas Huijbert van Broekhoven in the oude Kerkstraat. His beers were very popular in the local pubs at the time (staminekes) . Over time, the brewery became a regional household name because of its delicious special beers. Incidentally, Goirle at the time had several small breweries within its municipal boundaries. Now some 250 years later, the friends have breathed new life into the brewery. A tribute to Goirle's rich brewing tradition. We think it is high time Goirle was put back on the map as a brewing village. The beer is proudly crafted in friendship. And everyone who drinks it can taste that. The range currently consists of a blonde beer (happy bakkes), a session (droeftoeter), and a bokbier (blijk bok).

Nature park Roovertsche Leij

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